Do you operate a retail store and want to provide your patrons a more earth-friendly bag option?
Internationally certified and made from cornstarch, Mater-Bi compostable bags have been manufactured in South Africa, and come in packs of 100 units.
After using it to carry your goods, you can then use it to collect food and compostables, and add to your home compost.
These are pre-printed with the generic print as per image shown.
* Bag Colour: beige colour
* Texture: feels like a softer/silky "plastic" (but it is NOT plastic).
* Quantity: 100 pces per pack
This product's resin was imported from Italy and the bag was manufactured in South Africa. Mater-Bi' liners conforms to the EU standards and has been certified by leading certification bodies to global standards. To learn more on how these work, read HERE. For more information on the Mater-Bi certifications, visit